Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bigej Islet Tour with Captain Beth at the Helm

Along the Atoll are several Islets but on of the more popular and only sparsely inhabited by the locals is the Islet of Bigej. Bigej is about twenty miles north of Kwaj on the eastern reef and is a great place to snorkel, hang out, or hunt for booty (pirate treasure). Over the past two weekends, Beth and I have been renting one of the boats at the small boat marina and cruising up to Bigej to spend the afternoon hanging out with friends and living the Corona Commercial Dream. Once we all get there, we tie the boats together to create a flotilla and proceed to have a great time. For our friends' kids, we put together a pirate map and take the kids on the islet and go hunt for buried treasure. Our neighbors used to live in Cambodia so we scored some Cambodian currency and buried the loot in different spots on the backside of Bigej and let the kids try and find the treasure. Like good pirates they decided to fight over the treasure. Good Times.

Captain Beth at the Helm!Little Buddy with the Skipper
Pristine Waters


Living the Dream!