Tuesday, April 28, 2009


For the past 30 years the Kwajalein Running Club has sponsored one of the greatest events to occur within 2000 miles, really the only event within 2000 miles, fondly known as the "RUSTMAN." The RustMan is a near olympic distance triathlon 1k swim, 42k bike, and 10k run. (For you non-metric people that .6 mile swim, 26 mile bike, and 6.2 mile run. A few weeks ago Beth decided that she had to live hard to be hard and began training for the RustMan. Thanks to her grueling regiment of training she was able to successfully complete the RustMan! Beth put in an impressive first triathlon time of 3 hours and 20 minutes. (20:58 swim, 1:44 Mountain Bike with Road Tires, 1:14 run). I was even out there too with Team Sail Fish Ale "One Sip and your Hooked" sponsored by our favorite island Brewer/Legal Guru. After killing off a few sharks in the lagoon I was able to build some confidence and contribute to the Sail Fish Ale Team Performance with an not so impressive swim time of 19 minutes and several seconds. Photos Below!
Late Evening Gun Show!

Beth Crossing the Finish Line!Pre-Race Photo with Team Sail Fish Ale - One Sip And Your Hooked!

Finishing in a not so impressive 3 hours and 4 minutes.

After Action Review Comments:

1. Invest in a decent Tri/Road Bike.

2. Actually Train.


  1. Beth - Congrats on the Tri! They are addicting so before you know it, you'll be signing up for races all over the Marshall Islands!

    Kev - sweet tan

  2. Hey, great blog, brings back fond memories of our 17 years on Kwaj and doing the Rustman a few times in the 80's and 90's. Thanks, Ed Goff
